Saturday, February 24, 2007

Joe Biden has no Chance!!!

Doctor Baby~
What do you think of Biden?

He doesn't have a chance in hell, too wordy; he's like Kerry, without the good hair. Obama fever, catch it!!!

Doctor Baby~
Oh how trendy. Where's your well defended animosity towards black people now? Biden forever!

He's not really black you know, doesn't have the 'my grandpapi was a slave attitude' even Jesse and Al aren't on board, how hateful is that? Besides who said I was still in animosis? Aren't I allowed to evolve and redefine myself as I see fit?
Why Obama? He was against the war, before it was cool to be against the war. And I think the lack of DC TAINT is quite refreshing to this old Curmudgeon.

Doctor Baby~
I see, not black. Interesting. I would say not American Black which may be the same thing. True his father is off the boat African, Kenyan I think, so he doesn't have that entitlement thing going. But wasn't Biden one of the sole voices of reason way back when? Biden says what he thinks regardless of how it is received. Also he has a proven track record of less than standard on the corruptibility index. One of few.

What about the plagiarism charges in college?

Doctor Baby~
Oooh, he bought a term paper. Heaven forbid!

He got Caught, there's a difference. Aren't you American?

Doctor Baby~
He got caught doing something stupid when he was in college. That's a far cry from Duke Cunningham. You have to have some perspective. Should he be forever judged by a mistake of youth? That would be far too inflexible.

I'm not the one doing the judging, I'm just commenting on how the herd will perceive him. I like Joe, and I like John, but they are not Alpha. Unfortunately, if you want to be Alpha in this Society then you must Alpha-explain your mistakes. Biden doesn't do this, he just offers more warmed over sameness that Kerry did, and Edwards while we are on the topic. Hillary, gods love her, brings nothing new to the party. Obama has the freshness and the underdog value that America begs for.

Doctor Baby~
Form over substance is all that matters anymore. We are such a juvenile society.

In the end, it’s not the election you want, it’s the election you deserve.

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