Saturday, February 10, 2007

A Recent Conversation On Racism after viewing the following article:

Sad on so many levels.
~Doctor Baby

Did you get a chance to read my paper on racism on our blog?

Yep, sure did. Unfortunately I found it somewhat standard whitemale. The analysis overlooks preconceptions and is too simplistic. The biasis readily apparent at the outset. When events occur, either positive ornegative, they are held up in comparison to a 'standard' negative model.They aren't evaluated on their own merits but simply for how they reinforceor dispel the expectation.It is a text book example of how the reasoning part of our mindsjustify the primitive passions of our lower brain. I can make similarassertions for brunettes as a group. You know how those darkies are. Alwaystrying to make blondes look like airheads by actin' all smart. When a blackperson plays on whities stereotypes to get over it's called the Race Card.When whitie plays their card to get over we call them assholes, sycophantsor irresponsible. Think frivolous lawsuits. Hot coffee is hot. Regardlessit's more a societal issue than a person specific one. However if a memberof the group that is stigmatized displays the same behavior a very personaldislike ensues.If it isn't skin color it's always some difference, real orimagined. When you isolate whitie, or any other species of humon, by itselfit will find a group to stigmatize within itself. It will make it up ifnecessary. Most terrestrial creatures require a group at the bottom to stepon for some reason I don't fully understand. Humons try to act as if theyhave risen above this but we still share this trait with all the otherspecies here. Welcome to Earth, every creature will try to eat you. If youneed proof I can supply a plethora of examples. Wolf packs are perfect humananalogy.If we are to truly become rational creatures we need to rise aboveour nature, not try to ignore it. Perhaps we could evaluate each person ontheir own actions rather than the standard for the assigned group. Itrequires effort to engage our higher brain to override the primitive andmeans that things might not adhere to one's desire. You might get a headachetoo.Tell me. What do you first see when you look at a person or group?
~Doctor Baby

Its true that I was anti black at the time I wrote the article, but it isall true. I wasn't anti black until that moment at the ballpark. When I seea group of people I notice in this order, race, age, socioeconomic status.

That's unfortunate. I understand the circumstance but why not applythis standard to other groups? Whitie, brunettes, vegetarians and lefthanders for example. Why the narrow view when skin color is involved? Wouldyou hate all red haired whities if you were treated badly by one? If notthen shouldn't your ire be directed at the person responsible and not thegroup they share traits with. Anything seems would seem indefensible.
~Doctor Baby

Well to quote a good friend of mine (namely you), 'its not the Buddhistextremists that are causing the problems.'It all boils down to the fact that hatred is earned, not given freely by theilluminati. Sure lots of people have slighted me in many ways, but one grouphas been consistent, so shouldn't my awareness level rise when encounteringmembers of this group? Why should put myself in the situation of beingvictimized again?

Hatred is 'not' freely given? Afraid I can't agree with that one.I've seen too many instances of unreasoned and undeserved hate inflicted onpeople. Why do girls hate each other when they aren't in competition? Butregardless I still see no valid justification. Whitie has picked on youplenty but you don't judge all of the by the same standard. Where is theawareness in this regard? You've decided all black people are worthy ofscorn even if they haven't done anything in particular. Are there any 'good'darkies or does the one size fits all approach preclude that?Personally I can't condemn anyone for that which they are notresponsible. Otherwise I'd hate whitie. As for putting yourself in aposition to be victimized. How does being racist protect you from the guy atthe ballpark? Will it make him shut up? Probably not.On a funny note. Next time something like that happens say thefollowing: "Oh, is it racist day? I had no idea. In that case, back of theline Nigger." Won't that be fun?
~Doctor Baby

I get the feeling that you really didn't read the paper, just kind of skimmed it and drew your own conclusions.I don't mean to imply that hatred isn't freely given, but earned in this respect. What is wrong with reasoned internal dialogue to come to the conclusion that you shouldn't play with snakes, shouldn't be around snakes, and as a rule avoid snakes?

Of course I drew my own conclusions silly. I read every word of it.I paid close attention in fact. I find it fascinating how differing humansview interacting. I just see it differently and you asked. I can understandbeing wary of a group that has done injury in the past. I tend to distrusthip hoppers as most of them are losers regardless of their physicalcharacteristics. But that's just a generalization. I give each one the sameopportunity to prove themselves as I would others.Some groups are worthy of disdain and marginalization. The KKK,Crips and pedophiles are all excellent examples. I have no problem withdisliking people due to their willing allegiance to such groups. But skincolor, hair color, stature and the like aren't choices. To disdain peoplefor the circumstances of birth is not logically supportable in my view. Ifone's skin color is enough to make a person culpable for the transgressionsof others of similar complexion a fundamental question must be answered.What about whitie, or brunettes? How about Jews?I personally have been jerked around by white people far morefrequently than any other type of people. Should I therefore take a similarview then? After all, if the threat comes from that quarter........... AndI've found Mexicans the friendliest. Does that mean Mexicans are better?Maybe culture has more to do with it than minor genetic differences.There's nothing wrong with reasoned internal dialogue regardingsnakes. I just think the criteria for snakes is too broadly cast. Why shouldit go beyond the offending individual to include those that look like theoffender? Isn't it the same as saying "I don't like how you look and that'sall the reason I need?" But don't worry. I still love you. :)
~Doctor Baby

I think it all boils down to the usage of ‘Race.’ Whitey, Blondes, Redheads, Mexicans, sure they have all done me wrong, but they didn’t use race to do it. They did it because they were assholes or thought I was an asshole, not because I was White. And I think that’s the difference.

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